# Tags

Tags are another way to organize your tasks. Unlike stacks or statuses, tasks can have many tags. The tasks can be created either as a workspace task (global - visible accross the whole workspace), or local task (only visible on the current project).

# Adding a Tag

There are multiple ways of creating a new tag:

  1. From the Task details
    1. click the Add tag under the Tags section
    2. start typing the new tag name
    3. select a color from the predefined list and click the Create new tag button
  2. From the Project menu
    1. Open the tags manager
    2. select the Tags tab and click Add tag
  3. From any task card
    1. click the tag button under the task title
    2. start typing the new tag name
    3. select a color from the predefined list and click the Create new tag button

# Deleting Tag

  1. Open the tags manager
  2. Click the × button on the tag you wish to delete


By deleting a tag it will also remove it from any assiged tasks

# Changing Tag color

  1. Open any project
  2. Open the tags manager
  3. Click on the Tags tab and click the tag you want to change
  4. Click the colored square to select a new color
  5. Click on the tick button to save the new color

# Search for tagged tasks

Click on Filter tasks button [] on the bottom right corner to open the filter popup. Click on the Tags section and select the tags that you want.

# Assigning a Tag to a Task

Tags can be assigned to tasks in different ways:

  1. From the task context menu in Board view or List view
  2. From the Task details
  3. Using Automations

# Managing tags

  1. Open the project menu from the toolbar
  2. Click the Tags & Statuses menu item