# Moving a workspace

# Automatic moving

  1. Locate your workspace name on the top right corner of the sidebar and click the menu button
  2. Click on the Move workspace... menu item and select a new destination where to move your workspace

# Manual moving

  1. Locate your workspace name on the top right corner of the sidebar and click the menu button
  2. Click on the Reveal in Finder menu item (the file manager's name might change depending on your operating system)
  1. The default location should be the Document folder but it might be a different one
  2. Locate your workspace folder
  3. Right click on the workspace folder and copy it to the new location
  1. Click the + in the sidebar
  2. Click on the Add local workspace menu item or use the hotkeys Shift + Cmd + L on Mac and Shift + Ctrl + L on Windows and Linux
  1. Enter the new workspace's name
  2. Browse and select the new location where the workspace was copied to
  3. CLick on the Add workspace button to add the new workspace to the sidebar