# Users

This document will show you how to manage app users from the admin panel.

# Creating your first user

To add your first user you need to:

  1. click on the Collections section in the sidebar
  2. click the Users table/collection from the secondary sidebar
  3. click the New record button


We recomand adding at least one admin role user

  1. fill all the required fields
  2. click the Create button to save the user

# Managing users roles

User roles are divided in these 6 categories: admin, manager, user, collaborator, client, contact. Learn more about the different user roles here.

In order to change a user's role follow these steps:

  1. click on the Collections section in the sidebar
  2. click the Users table/collection from the secondary sidebar
  3. search a user, either using the search bar or by scrolling the list
  4. click on the user to edit

When the user modal opens:

  1. click the roles drop-down and select a new role from the list
  2. click the Save changes button to set the new role


Changing the any user data from the server dashboard won't have any effect on the Stacks client app until an app refresh is done, but any role permission will!

# Resetting passwords